Matroska/WebM in MPEG DASH : draft specifications | Video Breakthroughs |

This document defines how to use Matroska/WebM with the MPEG DASH adaptive streaming system defined in ISO-IEC_23001-6.


Excerpts :

- A Media Segment in DASH corresponds to one or more Cluster in Matroska.

- The Initialization Segment in DASH corresponds to the concatenation of the EBML header, Segment header, Segment Information and Tracks sections in Matroska. Files usually have these data at the front. Other level1 elements and some padding may occur in the Initialization Segment as well, except for Clusters and Cues.

- The Index Segment in DASH corresponds to the Cues in Matroska.

- A Sub-Index Media Segment in DASH corresponds to one or more Cluster preceded by a Cues that cover only these Clusters. It may also contain a SeekHead at the front with all the level1 elements found in that Sub-Index Media Segment. Cues and SeekHead are optional.