Voice search is changing healthcare? | Social Media and Healthcare | Scoop.it

"Love it or hate it, voice technology is here to stay."


Voice search isn’t perfect, and it’s nowhere near as advanced in its capabilities as it will be in just a few years. But it‘s already affecting the way people search for services and providers. 


From its novel start to its rapid infiltration into more of our lives, voice-enabled tech (or voice assistants) is changing the way we access and use healthcare. In fact, Amazon recently greenlighted six healthcare companies to develop apps for Echo (Alexa), and HIPPA compliant apps are already in the works for several major players.


Here’s Why People Love Voice Search

  • Users expect instant answers, especially when it comes to healthcare. Voice queries are 40 times more action-oriented than search. (source: Google) Action, in the world of healthcare, is about finding the nearest urgent care or asking where to fill a prescription. 
  • Voice delivers the conversations people want. If you’ve performed a search using a voice device, you know it’s more conversational than typing a search. For example, when you search for a movie theater on your browser, you might type, “movie theaters Boise.” But when you ask Amazon Alexa, you’ll probably ask in a manner like this: “Alexa, what’s the nearest movie theater near me?”

How Voice Search Is Changing Healthcare

It isn’t just yet, but the voice will likely become a dominant search method in the future. Preparing for it today will put healthcare providers, systems and organizations at a distinct advantage when that time comes.


Here’s another example of voice search that goes deeper in detail: A voice-enabled phone helps patients go from a vague and general search of a “doctor near me,” to ask a more involved, conversational question like: “Hey Google, find a five-star rated orthopedic surgeon near me who does knee replacement.”


Future of Voice Search 

What’s next in the voice-enabled technology arena is virtually limitless.


My theory is that once it becomes the search mode of choice, marketers will find a way to profit from it. Think of the sponsored ad format on the big three search engines, and apply that same execution to voice. Now when someone searches for the services you provide, that potential patient receives a conversational response from your practice—giving the user that instant solution, through conversation, they’re looking for.

Consider the possibilities of voice search (and later, voice sponsored content) especially if you’re an urgent care, ER, primary care or hospital.


Read More: https://healthcaresuccess.com/blog/medical-marketing-advertising/voice-search-healthcare.html