Who is an Instructional Designer? | Apprenance transmédia § Formations | Scoop.it

With education being reformed, Instructional Designers have an utmost important place in the learning spaces. Instructional design is defined as the process that identifies skills, knowledge, information and attitude gaps of a targeted audience and creates, selects or suggests learning experiences that close this gap, based on instructional theory and best practices from the field.

Instructional Designers engage in a theory and research-based process of designing and implementing instruction for better learning. The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) defines this as “the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning”. To provide the best learning experiences, they work as the Guides, Communicators, Thinkers, Designers, Builders, Explorers, Project Managers, Fixers, Evaluators, Data Analysts, and more!

Via Edumorfosis