Google+ Tips And Shortcuts: Increase Your Effectiveness [Infographic] | MarketingHits |
These tips and shortcuts will help you increase your effectiveness on Google+. There are many extra benefits for being on Google+. This article lists some.

You might be asking yourself why you need these tips and shortcuts since you don’t have time to be on Google+ in the first place. I mean, you’ve already got enough social sites to keep up with, right? If you have a website, and you are trying to increase your traffic, Google+ should not be the social site you let slide. The reason can be summed up in one word – Google – and that means search. If nothing else, that is the reason you need to be there.

Let me just give you one example of what I’m talking about. If you are on Google+, you can sign up for Google Authorship (if you haven’t already done this, I suggest you do it today, just follow that link). We just wrote about this last week in an article called Google Authorship & It’s Insane Impact On Website Traffic. Bottom line, you’ll get to have your avatar show up in the search results on Google, which will give you a huge bump in web traffic. Only 9% of tech blogs have taken advantage of Google Authorship, which leaves a huge opportunity for you if you haven’t implemented it.

Via Jaana Nyström, Ivo Nový