#HR 3 Ways to Know If an Employee Is a Culture Fit | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

A good resume can blow you away. Impressive universities and company histories may be exactly what you are looking for. A job applicant might say all the right things in the interview, at which they're wearing a perfectly pressed suit and spit-shined shoes. This is the new hire, right?


Except, at your company, t-shirts and jeans aren't just for casual Fridays. Where you went to school isn't as important as the passions you pursue on a daily basis. Every project is a cross-discipline team effort, and everybody shares credit. That's your company culture, and it's made your business successful. So no, that candidate, as impressive as they are, is not your new hire.


The "best fit" candidate is in the eyes of the beholder, which means you can define your ideal applicant however you want to make sure you make the best decision for your job requirement and your culture.

Via The Learning Factor