#HR #RRHH The 1 Personality Type That Employers Are Craving Like Crazy | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Do you care about your job? No, you know, really care.

Do you care so much that you will defend your company's product at dinner parties when someone mentions that it snapped in two on first use?

Or do you mumble: "Yeah, we cut back on manufacturing costs for a little more profit. You can't blame us, can you?"?

I muse on this because there's a certain trend for companies to take themselves a little more seriously. By "more seriously" I mean focusing on something other than pristine clean lucre and the CEO's large cut of it.

Something akin to a larger purpose, for example.

This means that in hiring staff, they're increasingly looking for people who are able to have -- or even have naturally -- higher goals than mere money-making.

Via The Learning Factor