Try This Exercise In Radical Empathy To Minimize Conflict | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |
 Tensions are running higher than usual these days.

In addition to the everyday disagreements we have with our friends, family, and coworkers, the brutal election over the last year appears to have ripped the country in two, with liberals and conservatives unable to see eye to eye. In addition to everyday arguments at the office about which marketing idea was better or how much to spend on a colleague's baby shower, those on opposite sides of the political divide feel anger, resentment, and animosity toward one another. Heated emotions are bubbling to the surface.


Spencer Greenberg, founder and CEO of Clearer Thinking, a non-partisan organization that conducts research on decision-making and creates free tools for the public, sees our current state of discord as an opportunity to learn to be more empathetic. He's been developing strategies for helping Clinton and Trump supporters to better relate to one another.

Via The Learning Factor