#HR #RRHH 28 Daily Habits for Success These Executives Swear | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Ever wonder what sets highly successful people apart? I've polled countless executives about the things they're doing every day which give them an edge, and certain themes have surfaced over time. These high achievers often get up early, proactively manage their health and practice mindfulness, as opposed to flitting from one electronic task to another while neglecting important human relationships. Check out these quotes from 28 high-achieving individuals who talk the daily habits which help them get ahead in business and life.

1. Walk.

"This one is simple. Motion creates emotion. The idea of the desk needs to die. Walk for calls, walk for meetings, walk for thinking. You're better when you're walking."

--Chris Hale, founder and CEO at Kountable, a San Francisco-based platform connecting investors and entrepreneurs.

Via The Learning Factor