Is Trust the Answer to Employee Motivation? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

Learn about the eight intrinsic drivers to a positive outcome.

Why do we want to increase employee engagement? Perhaps it's to increase output. On the other hand, for some businesses, a positive work environment and 'culture' is of paramount importance: just think about all those smiling faces at your local Apple store!

These reasons both justify the need for employee engagement, but I would suggest that beneath all of this lies one Universal theme: getting the most from staff. Surely an 100% efficient workforce is worth more than any new innovation in a company? Because, at the end of the day, it's the employees that provide the backbone of each and every organisation.

So, what is the key to 100% motivation? In a unique infographic, produced by income protection specialists, Unum, a strong argument is made for the importance (and necessity) of trust. But what do you think? Is employee engagement expert Susanne Jacobs right - is it all about trust?

Via Daniel Watson