#HR #RRHH Help, I Need Somebody (at the Office) | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

More than 15 years ago, I attended a workshop facilitated by Daniel Pink. He was explaining how businesspeople can thrive as free agents, and he stressed the importance of getting comfortable with asking for help. At the time, I was a free agent myself, and although I was already used to seeking help occasionally, Pink’s advice gave me the confidence to make it a more regular part of doing business. And he was right: Asking for and receiving help is critical to success. Over the past 18 years, I’ve been able to road-test my coaching model, receive referrals, secure endorsements, apply the wisdom of others to enhance my work and refine my skills, and secure a series of writing gigs, including an unsolicited contract to write a book — all thanks in large part to the generosity of others.

Via The Learning Factor