#HR #RRHH How To Turn Your Career Envy Into #Motivation | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Here are fives ways these experts suggest reshaping your career envy into something good.


1. Never Assume Luck


Everyone’s acting as their own best public relations specialist. Just because their star seems to rise effortlessly, doesn’t mean their path was devoid of sacrifices.


Reaching out to someone you admire--and yes, envy a little--is empowering and enlightening for both sides (and chances are, they never saw themselves as someone to envy!). Find out their process, and what unique challenges they had to face on their way to where they are. They likely made their own luck, or had a mentor that changed everything.


2. Ask Yourself Why You’re Envious

Via The Learning Factor