Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève - Marina Abramovic – MAI presents: counting the Rice | Gender and art | Scoop.it

"In 1987 the Centre d'Art Contemporain hosted die Mond, der Sonne, the final collaboration between Marina Abramovic and the German artist Ulay before they separated on the Great Wall of China (The Lovers: The Great Wall Walk).
To mark the Centre's 40th anniversary, Marina Abramovic is returning to Geneva where she will occupy a whole floor of the institution from the 1st until the 11th of May 2014 to host an exercise open to the public. The artist’s approach is to teach participants how to cope with the demands of staging long-duration performances of their own via a series of training exercises.


At the workshop at the Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève, Marina Abramovic will have participants to work on Counting the rice, in a site-specific structure designed by Daniel Libeskind. The architect is also returning to Geneva, after having exhibited at the Centre in 1987.
Counting the Rice, from the series of workshop entitled Cleaning the House, aims to develop the participants’ endurance, concentration, perception, self-control and willpower. It will allow the public to stretch their physical and mental limits."