Jasmina Cibic | e-flux | Gender and art | Scoop.it

Ludwig Museum Budapest is proud to present the first chapter of Cibic’s new project Spielraum – The Nation Loves It. This new body of work was preceded by Cibic’s critically acclaimed project For Our Economy and Culture made for the Slovenian Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennial.


The exhibition title references the writing of one of the first European political satirical writers; Karl Kraus. In his essay Spielraum (1912), Kraus vehemently opposes the use of decoration in both language and architecture. Cibic connects Kraus with the phenomena of programmatic application of decoration by practically every (trans)national political structure within language and the built environment. Through film, performance, sculpture, and installation, Jasmina Cibic’s gesamtkunstwerk explores the instrumentalisation of visual language and rhetoric in the construction of the state as spectacle throughout recent history.


Jasmina Cibic
Spielraum – The Nation Loves It

29 January–8 March 2015

Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest

