On Virginia Woolf | Fabulous Feminism | Scoop.it

“But what I find deplorable, I continued, looking about the bookshelves again, is that nothing is known about women before the eighteenth century.”


"[...] This month, we are traveling back in time to meet one of the most prominent feminist literary ladies of the past—Virginia Woolf. Living as a woman writer in the early 1900s, Virginia fought against patriarchal restrictions not only in the literary world, but also in her daily life. While bookshelves only showcased spines with the names of male authors such as Shakespeare, Woolf was secretly penning her thoughts on paper within her father’s library. With works such as “A Room of One’s Own” that confront a male-driven society, Virginia Woolf declared the importance of a woman having her own personal space to pursue her creative power. [...]"

Via Shane Zooey