When Schools' Internet Filters Follow You Home | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

CIPA , the Children's Internet Protection Act, requires that schools install filters that "address obscenity, child pornography and sites that are 'harmful to minors,' but schools interpret this mandate in a variety of ways...

With the advent of mobile computing, with the proliferation of cellphone ownership (student cellphone ownership specifically) and with the explosion of social networking, we’re witnessing CIPA – an eleven year old piece of legislation, remember – be invoked left and right."

This post explores some case studies and discusses a range of issues that exist today, raising questions such as "What does it mean to protect children on the Internet today? What is the role of schools? What is the role of parents? "

If schools provide iPads or laptops to students are they also responsible for filtering the Internet when these devices are used at home? Does CIPA impact what students and teachers read, write, watch online? Raising more questions than are answered this post asks you to look at some difficult issues that we are confronting in the world of education.