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Swarm Storms – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World

Swarm Storms – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World | Curation Revolution |

Swarms, Storms and Flocks

As a Director of Ecommerce I became fascinated with swarms, storms and flocks. Things happen inside the world’s largest content network for reasons that are beyond logical explanation. As the founder of Cure Cancer Starter, a crowdfunding platform for cancer research, I am fascinated with swarms, storms and flocks again. 

Swarm Storms is my name for the strange combination sentient mob behavior. Much like ants and bees the web forms with a collective consciousness that can feint and move like a school of fish or a flock of birds. 

If you've ever been fishing just prior to a storm you know the activity gets fast and furious before stopping almost entirely. Fish feel changes in pressure and react. Storms influence the creation and path of swarms.

Much of Internet marketing is weather forecasting. You model and predict where you thin your Internet marketing and website need to go. Sometimes you want to be out of the path of the storm while other storms you want to ride like a wave. 


All Internet marketers are weather forecasters and swarm storm creators. The linked post is the first post on swarm creation from Swarmise, a new book by Swedish political activist Rick Falkvinge. His a piece from the post describing a "swarm organization":

"A swarm organization is a decentralized, collaborative effort of volunteers that looks like a hierarchical, traditional organization from the outside. It is built by a small core of people that construct a scaffolding of go-to people, enabling a large number of volunteers to cooperate on a common goal in quantities of people not possible before the net was available.


Working with a swarm requires you to do a lot of things completely in opposite from what you learn at an archetypal business school. You need to release the control of your brand and its messages.


You need to delegate authority to the point where anybody can make almost any decision for the entire organization. You need to accept and embrace that people in the organization will do exactly as they please, and the only way to lead is to inspire them to want to go where you want the organization as a whole to go."


Rick is sharing the book one chapter at a time online. Stay tuned and buy the book when it comes out in the summer.  

Robin Good's comment, March 9, 2013 9:35 AM
Right on Marty.

I have something I wrote eight years back that you may like and that is quite relevant to this very topic:
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, March 10, 2013 8:12 AM
Robin, wow massively cool piece. I love the concept of BioTeaming. Specifically the recognition that a team is a force, an organic thing that must be managed, thought about, protected and curated with process, care, respect and trust. By calling out the goal of creating a high performance team and setting up a specific process to do so this piece increases the chances of that result (the creation of a high performance team) 100x. I also agree with your assertion that technology per se can quickly distane the goal of creating high performance teams. The idea that technology HELPS and doesn't HINDER is a priori and absurd. By starting with team architecture you provide a check list, an easy way to know if tech is contributing or not. Well Done and thanks for the SHARE. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Cure Cancer Starter Crowdfunding Cancer Research is GAME ON!

Cure Cancer Starter Crowdfunding Cancer Research is GAME ON! | Curation Revolution |
Cure Cancer Starter is a crowdfunding platform connecting cancer patients, their friends and...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

And suddenly Cure Cancer Starter has a quorum with four great cancer centers:

* University of North Carolina's Lineberger Cancer Center.

* Roswell Park Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York.

* University of Wisconsin's Carbone Cancer Center.

* Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina.


Both of my treating institutions have signed on to be part of Cure Cancer Starter's pilot program. Cure Cancer Starter is our "Kickstarter for cancer research" platform to bring cancer doctors and researchers together into a common community with an important goal - curing cancer.

Atlantic BT, where I am Marketing Director, is helping create a platform for cancer patients. Cancer patients can take an empowering action by funding research.

The most devastating thing about hearing your name and "cancer" in the same sentence is how helpless you feel. You are sure your life is now beyond your control. The invisible hand is playing with your life like a marionette. 

For a year I trained and then rode 3,300 miles on a bicycle I wasn't sick. No colds or sniffles despite riding 10 days in the rain. For 60 days I "cured" my chronic Leukemia. 

I had to go back into chemo within weeks after Martin's Ride ended, but I didn't feel helpless until chemo kicked my butt again. Cure Cancer Starter is Martin's Ride 2. 

This time, instead of a team of 3, I hope we can create a big "cure cancer" community, a community where doctors and researchers share their projects with people willing to donate and be a part of the cure for cancer. Can't tell you how much it would have meant to send someone $100 and be part of a team working on Leukemia after my diagnosis. Would have been MAGICAL and EMPOWERING.  

Thanks to all my friends for help, ongoing support and best wishes. If anyone would like to help by reviewing beta designs, helping form plans and other foundational work for Cure Cancer Starter let me know. There are GREAT smart people on 

Please LIKE Cure Cancer Starter on Facebook: 


Please FOLLOW CureCancerStart on Twitter: 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Atlantic BT Welcomes Zuckerberg, Brin, Milner To Cure Cancer Challenge

Atlantic BT Welcomes Zuckerberg, Brin, Milner To Cure Cancer Challenge | Curation Revolution |
Fastcompany reported Silicon Valley luminaries created a $3M Breakthrough Prize. Atlantic BT welcomes valley entrepreneurs to the cure cancer challenge.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Tech Cures Cancer Movement
A passel of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have created a Breakthrough Prize In Life Sciences. This is cool as it adds momentum to our Cure Cancer Starter project to crowdfund cancer research. 

Watch Cure Cancer Starter Video. (

In fact, it feels like there is a larger movement happening. We know we live in technologically rich times. We also know the so called "War on Cancer" is all but over and we lost.

There is good news. The good news is technology is helping cancer patients live longer. As we inch toward a cure for cancer one thing is clear - technology will lead the way.

We welcome such creative and powerful valley luminaries to the #TechCuresCancer movement.  

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