Why we continue to fail on cyber security - (ISC)2 Blog | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
I've been asked a lot of times, especially when I was working for an antivirus producer, why can't we simply write a software that always protects the users. Well, there is a short answer and a long answer. Short answer: Because 100% security does not exist and because most people are hackable due to being ignorant on what security is (of course, until he/she is hacked first time, and sometimes not even after such an event).

Long answer, which I massively shortened by not touching all areas and not going into details: The reason is the ignorance about everything that might happen but it is not certain that it will happen. I mean, would anyone close an insurance if it would have not been required by law or be afraid of the consequences? By the way, you can use this article to convince your C-level people to pay for that expensive cyber security training for the entire company.

According to Webster.com, the definition of IGNORANCE is: - a lack of knowledge, understanding, or education : the state of being ignorant [noncount] ignorance is bliss — used to say that a person who does not know about a problem does not...

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