Social News Gathering, Curation and Syndication Platform: Spundge | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

Robin Good: Expressedly designed for journalists and newsrooms Spundge is a unique social news discovery, curation and syndication platform that facilitates the discovery, selection and distribution of news content across multiple channels.


Spundge works with topic-specific containers called "notebooks", which you can create and configure to work around any specific topic, event, company or issue you are interested in following.


Spundge taps into YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Soundcloud and Facebook to gather relevant content around your specified topics, as well as into RSS feeds and OPML files that you specify. All these can then be easily filtered (by keyword, time, location, and language) and curated manually before being published inside any topic-specific "notebook".


Notebooks can be made public or private and their contents can be shared on all major social media networks as well as being syndicated outside of Splundge in a number of different ways.


The PRO version of Spundge adds a number of useful features to the free base version, including:


Custom editor - create, write, format and edit your own multimedia posts integrating text, images and video clips with extreme ease.


Personal customized dashboards - these allow you to collect and organize in one page streams from different notebooks, traffic and social sharing data and more.


Syndication - syndicate to major socia platforms such as Twitter and Facebook as well as to Wordpress and Mialchimp.


Collaboration - invite co-editors, curators, newsmasters to complement your work or to fuel a common newsroom activity allowing everyone to track, review, comment and edit individual notebooks.


Embedding - standard embed code to publish/integrate any notebook inside any website or blog page.


Analytics - Acces to detailed traffic data.


Smart attribution - Spundge automatically tracks original sources from where you are picking content, images or video clips and automatically credits them.


Custom sources - plug-in private RSS feeds or your own API to feed unique proprietary content into your notebooks.


Free version available.


Read The Nieman Journalism Lab review of Spundge:


For more info:



Via Robin Good