SID Kit for Schools - Safer Internet Day | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

Welcome, and thank you for joining us to celebrate Safer Internet Day (SID) 2013, taking place on Tuesday 5 February 2013 with the theme ‘Online rights and responsibilities’ and the slogan ‘Connect with respect’.


In 2013, for the second year running, we have again produced a SID Kit for Schools (and other educators), to bring together some great resources for raising online safety awareness.


Click on the links to the right to explore.


You can use the resources as best suits your local circumstances. For example, you may choose to use all or a selection of the resources, or you may choose to take parts of the kit and adapt them to your own needs. Likewise, although Safer Internet Day is celebrated on a particular day, you may choose to raise the profile of online safety over a day, week or month, depending on what is appropriate in your individual setting.


And, as this year’s theme focuses on ===>  ‘Online rights and responsibilities’,


– for example the ===> rights and responsibilities of parents and carers, educators, and industry, as well as the rights and responsibilities of children and young people themselves in their online lives. <===