The Connected Educator's Hotspot: I thought we decided that | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

Had a great conversation with some fellow administrators this weekend.  We were reflecting on how sometimes people have trouble accepting a change in practice.  While I have sharedposts before on how to go about making changes in practice or procedures to create buy-in from staff, the discussion we had was geared toward what to do about staff that have not seemed to embrace the change and keep bringing it up in a negative manner.

 It's funny, depending on your perspective of course, how the little things can seem to be such a large distraction to your day as a building leader.  

The change in practice, one of my Tweeps shared, was a small practice that had taken place in the past, but it was one of those procedural things that shared information about student and was now easily handled through technology with the use of the Student Information System the district uses.  

However, staff members were used to having this information delivered to them daily.  I know, many may say this seems to be a first world problem, but as a building leader it becomes more than that.