How do you make time for learning? | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

As learning professionals, we should be on the front-lines of harnessing the new digital tools for driving better performance in our organizations. (BTW – If you’re interested in how these digital tools can improve performance be sure to connect with Harold Jarche and John Stepper.)  Obviously we will never be able to achieve this is we aren’t exploring and using these tools ourselves.

One of the main advantages of acquiring and maintaining your digital skills is for learning more efficiently.


I could not agree more with this recent post from the Nerdy Teacher that says…


===> As a professional, “not enough time to learn new things” should not be in the vocabulary. <===


With the amount of information being generated today, you will never be able to keep up with everything. This is exactly why you should be giving some thought to building your own Personal Learning Network (PLN).