Great reflections on connected Educators | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |


I'm sorry..

 I tweet during meetings, conferences, and sometimes even during small group discussions...When I hear something impactful & worthy... I want as many people to know about it as possible... I try to blog on a regular basis and consider blogging to be just as valuable (if not more) than traditional in-service professional development...My self-reflection is done via blogging, and for me, that is how I digest, assimilate & deconstruct my experiences and thoughts.......

Don't read this as a pity party narcissistic post. We all live and work in a society where interacting and communicating with other humans is of the utmost importance. Consequently, we must be able to put ourselves in the shoes of others to fully understand their perspective and viewpoint. The more tolerant and accepting we are of others, the better off and more successful we will all be...