Automatic Solder Fume Extractor | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Health  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching |

Fume from soldering iron can be very harmful to our health. Most of the cheap solder contains lead. Lead is a dangerous metal, and it can cause severe damage to our health even cause cancer. Usually, solder has 60% lead and 40% tin. So it is very toxic to our bodies. Even lead-free soldiers are harmful to our bodies! Because they contain resin in their core. And resin is also toxic. Every type of solder is less or more harmful.

So people using soldering iron for a long time, are in big danger. I'm one of them. So, I search for the solution on the internet and find many kinds of solder Fume Extractor, but they all are boring. So I decided to make my own, Fume Extractor which is a little smart. It can detect the smoke coming from the soldering iron and then turn on the Fan to extract the fume.


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